Heist of The Century: Alabama Thieves Stole an Entire 200 Foot Radio Tower and Nobody Knows Where it is

Futarism - Staff at a radio station in Jasper, Alabama were stunned after finding that the station's 200-foot AM radio tower mysteriously went missing.

"What do you mean the tower is gone?" Elmore recalled saying in an NBC interview. "Are you sure you’re in the right place? I actually used more colorful words than that."

"He said there’s wires all over the ground and the tower is gone," he added.

We still have no idea of who could've stolen a 200-foot radio tower, let alone why. Elmore told The Guardian that thieves had also hit a nearby radio station six months ago, robbing it of its air conditioning unit, as well as copper pipes and other materials, but it's unclear if the two heists are connected.

"This is a huge loss," Elmore told the newspaper. "People have reached out and asked how they can help, but I don’t know how you can help unless you have a 200ft tower and an AM transmitter."

The heist of a century. The level of difficulty to tear down a 20 story buildings worth of metal in the middle of the night must be astonishingly high. It's a feat that even professional thieves couldn't pull off. The wouldn't even try it. This is a job that can only be done by a certain type of people. Junkies. 

I don't care how much of a professional you are. You could spend 20 years training with the greatest crime syndicate in the world. You could have successfully robbed banks, diamond stores, you might have the ability to crack any safe in the world, but there are some heists that can only be accomplished by a team of scrawny 100 pound men who are low on meth. Ripping an entire radio tower out of the ground is one of those things.

A 200 foot radio tower must be the holy grail of scrap metal for junkies. How many high-out-of-their-mind conversations to you think these guys had sitting around a disgusting coffee table, fantasizing about how, "One day we're gonna steal that whole damn tower." And by god they did it. These men are heroes in the drug-addict community. Anybody can steal copper piping off the back of a truck. Anybody can climb the fence to a scrap yard at night and come out with $15 worth of metal at a time. But to take the entire radio tower is special. I'm not sure how much meth that much metal buys, but I would like to think it's enough for these meth-addict thieves to retire to a broken down trailer on the side of the highway outside Fairfield, Alabama with enough meth that they'll never have to experience a sober thought for the rest of their lives (although in reality they'll get maybe enough money to last them a month then they'll be onto the next radio tower).

Also, if you're somebody from that radio station, or more importantly if you're a member of the Jasper, Alabama police department investigating this case. Let me save you some time. Those two heists are definitely related. I promise. These men had you marked. You were sitting ducks. You never stood a chance. I wouldn't be surprised if you come into the station later this week to find that your entire building is missing. If they've successfully stolen an entire radio tower, there's no limits to what they can get away with.

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